Wednesday, May 25, 2011

CEO in the Airlines Parlance...

CEO in the airlines parlance relates to the three core operating departments :
C Commercial
E Engineering
O Operations
They are just like the three wheels of an aircraft on which an airline stands. Commercial dapartment is the nose wheel guiding the airline aircraft with the support of the Engineering and the Operations which support in the form the remaing two main wheels.
The CEO of the airline is the one who synchronises these core operating dapartments to thrust an airline forward. For success of any airlines these three departments are like the three Aces in a card game which makes an airline win in the game of aviation business. Weakness in any one area would marr the probability of winning even if the other two are strong. The CEO needs to strengthen, align and synchronise all the three ACES to WIN...

YOGA in Your Way...

Try working out your own aasans...a user friendly style.

One needs to align the physical posture with the breathing pattern and the mind space(focus).

The physical posture can be decided by stretch level or angle up-to which the body is comfortable with and gives a relaxing feeling.After deciding with the posture, now align the breathing pattern with it, followed by focusing the mind to the unity of posture & the breathing.(the guiding principle is that the body and the mind are not strained but are at peace and are synchronized with each other)

There seems to be no harm in trying such postures(self created aasanas) which relax your body , help in focusing the mind & stabilise the breath....