Thursday, March 7, 2019

Loss Lead2 Despair Efforts + More Efforts Lead2 Positive Results

(a small anecdote & learnings from it)
There is a learning from every incident. Just need an open mind…...
Once I dropped my expensive eye drops somewhere on the way back from the chemist Shop, late in the evening around 10 PM. Was a bit upset when found the expensive medicine missing on reaching home, but being tired was reluctant to go all the way back that late & retrace the 2X2 Kms in an effort to find the lost medicine. So tried to procrastinate at that time by deferring the search to early morning day light when the things are more visible.But my wife pushed me ( a little) to try out at that time itself, as it will be easier to recover if dropped near the Chemist shop itself. I gave in and moved out with her on the scooty. We made out a call to the store adjacent to the Chemist shop where I had stopped to buy some last minute purchase, but they drew a blank. In fact I retraced my route up and down even upto round the corner ice cream vendor before I had decided to give up the hunt. The whole trip proved futile. At that time in the night, had to take circumsticious route, as a few of the colony gates had closed down restricting the entry for safety & lesser number of guards in the night shift. On the last stretch closer to our house which was missed due to closing of the colony gate restricting the entry/exit in the night, my wife spotted something by the roadside in the dark resembling the medicine pack. It was the over run outer wrapping box of the medicine I had purchased but with no medicine in it. Tried to look around as the medicine could still be safe since it was a very small plastic bottle double packed in a blister pack, which was still to be found and was not. Locating the outer paper box had given some hope, but it felt as if somebody had taken out the medicine and thrown the outer wrapper. We gave up the search with a thought , may be one more check at the spot early in the morning as the darkness made it difficult to search the small bottle pack. In heart of heart hope was hardly there as only the bashed up empty wrapper was found with the blister packed medicine gone.Next day morning though had got up a bit late, but took out my little 7 year old son for cycling to that spot, with not much of the hope, at least the little one would enjoy the cycling trip & the treasure hunt after all it costed almost 1K.About fifteen minutes of scavenging we gave up & started back and lo behold !!! Almost 70 to 100 meters away from where we found the outer paper wrapper last night, the burst blister pack was lying with the little plastic eye drop peeping out. The inner packing was a little damaged but the small medicine bottle was still intact. Definitely must have been run over after having fallen from my pocket while driving the scooty, than being picked up by somebody as the thoughts ran last night.A simple incident - but felt there had to be some learning from not so important incident (after all it was not more than Rs. 622.00 to be precise)…Did this need all that effort attention we made.So thought more it has to be something more than Rs. 622.00 which some force wanted me to understand, dwell upon….and put up for sharing.I simply started analysing…..With small costly items be a little more careful than carelessly shove it in the pocket and drive around.One seems to give up after a mild effort, as I had tried -1st rekey upto round the corner ice cream vendor and a call to the store adjacent to the chemist shop was reasonably sufficient to give up that at least I made an effort to retrieve but HARD LUCK.A little push/support from the team members (wife) if heeded to helps i.e .not to give up without a sincere & hard effort. With her support at least at that point of time the outer wrapper was located and location of loss identified.A relook after first attempt in the changed environment (day light instead of darkness) makes a difference.Can we extrapolate the above analysis/learning's in other aspects of our day 2 day life. Try this to AIR INDIA Scenario. Where the esteem/profits/image seems to have been bruised. The situation appears quiet gloomy. In such a scenario any Half hearted or formality sake efforts may not get the results. We may just be able to find only the coffin (the over run outer wrapper) in our half hearted effort in the highly competitive market, political play, no responsibility, personal interest before the company 's interest… and so on.We should not give up in the hard times and should make a sincere & hard efforts with full vigour and energies. Like the search for medicine was deferred for appropriate support (day light), with a Plan B that if medicine is not recovered at least the child is going to enjoy the cycling cum treasure hunt- may be here also we strategize to get the necessary support from the governmental (day light), industry and employees etc to recover else have Plan B handy to minimize the losses or some alternate success in parts rather than one whole…..I am quiet sure that though the outer wrapper may have got ripped, the inner saftey packing also gone but the CORE MEDICINE BOTTLE / OUR AIRLINE- AIR INDIA is still live and kicking and can again make to the glorious heights like in it's heydays.

PS: With small and costly items one need to be a little more careful than carelessly shoving in the pocket… likewise our product and aircrafts too, are expensive & are meant for specific segment. So we should be not careless while handling our product - the vacant seats which is highly volatile & the aircrafts - the expensive small eye drops the bottle :) CHEERS

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Perform the duties without attachments & insistence on particular results.  Accept the results gracefully, gratefully.  (Karmanyevadhikaraste - Ch.2 Bhagvad Gita)

While performing duties or getting the work done, stress occurs when the work done is not in line with the expectation. For this, the quality and detail of communication and its understanding by the performer followed by his commitment to deliver play a major role in the final delivery/satisfaction.

For eliminating the gaps between the expectation and delivery which cause stress the following need to be looked into :
-Communication of expectation/ work specifications has to be perfect which are reflected by the degree of the involvment of the individual getting the task done.
-Its understanding by the performer and limitations involved need to be clearly understood by both
-In absence of clear communication and understanding close monitoring and control are required
-A good understanding or openness between the performer and the supervisor helps in creating commitment from the performer and encourage him raise queries to align the work in line with the expectations.

Once an individual has made his efforts, accept the results gracefully and gratefully as any insistence on particular result with attachments is going to cause bitterness or stress as it is very difficult to find PERFECTNESS.

The next step after this is to try for possible improvements filling the left out gaps and working towards THE PERFECTNESS :)


Often have seen sentiments floating in the social media that Indian Goods should be promoted vis a vis the Foreign Goods. Purpose - the profits should remain within India and does not flow out of India through the MNCs and other foreign companies which earn in India but take away the profits to their home countries.
Being a supporter of open market India cannot ban or put restrictions on such companies. The possible way out to promote Indian products in support of the rhetoric "Be Indian Buy Indian" the way out is to sensationalise and the inform the customer at the retail outlet level.To implement this the retail outlets may be advised to organise the display of the products under TWO CATEGORIES viz sale of which results in PROFIT WITHIN INDIA-SWADESHI and PROFITS EXPATRIATED FROM INDIA. Choice is left out to the discretion of the Customer King, who takes an informed call whether to buy the products where the profits are retained within India or simply go for quality or brand preference. The customer may be motivated by providing him props like CAP, BADGE etc, that further encourages "SWADESHI" sentiment

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Dhyana or Meditation in Today's Parlance

In earlier days our intellectuals-Rishi/Munis used to do "Dhyaana" or "Meditation".That was probably identifying the problem & then concentrating for the solution. All was a mental exercise, as the written communication & data storage was not so developed making it too tedious, procedural with limited life of the quality of paper/ink at that point of time. So after due concentration, there would be the Eureka Moments having mentally resolved the issue or the problem , which then were shared through discourses or discussions or practiced in the Gurukuls by regular recital, involving vocal or mental deliveries from one generation to the next.In today's parlance, we have the organized researches using various support systems. There are people who think (Meditate) and explore through their mental faculties and then deliver their researches in form of the BOOKS/BLOGS. These people reflect-think-concentrate and then deliver. We can call them or equate them to Rishi/Munis of the modern age.So it seems that the dhyaan or meditation is an age old mental way to focus on the problem-situation and working towards the possible solution. In present age also we follow the same old principles or methodology but are more dependent on the easily available communication and storage tools for analysis unlike earlier day when it was all in all a mental procedure. Thus it appears that probably our older generations were more developed mentally than today’s generation due to the dependence on the supporting systems or technologies. Or we can say that we have more unused capacity in our mental hard drive which can be put to greater use or faster processing but is used in a limited manner due to our dependence on support systems viz external hard drives and processing units made available due to the progress made in the technology.