In earlier days our intellectuals-Rishi/Munis used to do "Dhyaana" or "Meditation".That was probably identifying the problem & then concentrating for the solution. All was a mental exercise, as the written communication & data storage was not so developed making it too tedious, procedural with limited life of the quality of paper/ink at that point of time. So after due concentration, there would be the Eureka Moments having mentally resolved the issue or the problem , which then were shared through discourses or discussions or practiced in the Gurukuls by regular recital, involving vocal or mental deliveries from one generation to the next.In today's parlance, we have the organized researches using various support systems. There are people who think (Meditate) and explore through their mental faculties and then deliver their researches in form of the BOOKS/BLOGS. These people reflect-think-concentrate and then deliver. We can call them or equate them to Rishi/Munis of the modern age.So it seems that the dhyaan or meditation is an age old mental way to focus on the problem-situation and working towards the possible solution. In present age also we follow the same old principles or methodology but are more dependent on the easily available communication and storage tools for analysis unlike earlier day when it was all in all a mental procedure. Thus it appears that probably our older generations were more developed mentally than today’s generation due to the dependence on the supporting systems or technologies. Or we can say that we have more unused capacity in our mental hard drive which can be put to greater use or faster processing but is used in a limited manner due to our dependence on support systems viz external hard drives and processing units made available due to the progress made in the technology.