Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dress in the colours like nature does

Nature is the best source of inspiration or guide to choose what colour combinations one should use while deciding to dress up, finalise presentations, advertisements, prints etc. or whenever one is required to make a choice in colours. If you see the tree trunks they are greyish-greens, brownish blacks or blackish-greys , they set the colours of the trousers. Next imagine the colours of the tree tops. That gives idea about the colour of the shirt one is to wear. Similarly combinations of flower n leaves guide us about other possible colour combinations. So whenever in dilemma, close your eyes n recall how nature dresses up, that probably will make it easier for you to decide.

1 comment:

Mitaksha Raswant said...

yup!!!! dis is d bst way 2 gt out of d confussion!! really works i hve tried dis.. :)