Friday, September 23, 2011

HQ The Happiness Quotient

HQ  the Happiness Quotient

IQ  EQ SQ…..may be now HQ or the happiness quotient.

One expects a rich man to be happy. But many  a times even a poor man  is also happy. And also there are occasions where a rich person too is unhappy.

So what defines happiness?
What is a common parameter to measure the happiness ?

May be we need to develop an HQ which determines  the level happiness, which an individual enjoys irrespective of the material wealth one possesses.

Remember old time simple stories " Once there lived in a small village, a loving couple with their two kids happily within their meager means…..and may more happiness anecdotes especially the one where a Rich MBA on vacation lectures a  Happy go lucky Fisherman, who in his daily routine is already enjoying what the Rich MBA aspired to do after  successfully struggling with business  complexities…."        
It seems everything prunes down to the environment or the family unit where things are well synchronised and are in a harmony due to limited  wants/desires. Where every action or reaction  supports each other to grow and develop ones potential, for which one does not need to be stinking rich. A guy though may be stinking rich - still may be unhappy due to lack of desired harmony and synchronisation around him/her.

Happiness is affected by quantum of wants and desires. With more  and more life complexities & exposure, the wants & desires increase. If one leads a  simple life, then the requirements and desires of that person are very limited-making one happy in his or her existing environment.

These desires and wants though motivate a person to achieve/deliver but in the process create a stress which taxes on ones HAPPINESS, if one stretches ones resources too fine. 

1 comment:

shiv garg said...

hq is directly connected with satisfaction for which money is the least one