Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Nazar Lagna - The Evil Eye Effect

Nazar Lagna - The Evil Eye Effect
Is there anything like called Nazar Lagna (evil eye afflictions)...not very sure, but it seems more like passing the buck.

Just quoting two incidents :-
1. Had bought a new expensive upscale smartphone. Liked, may be envied by many. I always feared of dropping or damaging it. Took due care and almost 10 months went past reasonably well. Charging it at the bedside was always convenient but the safety of the gadget was 50/50, as it was a narrow passage and a mild brush past the window shelf where it was kept would have resulted in it's falling down.That was expected and did happen. I  tripped on the charging cord when passing bye in a hurry, thus pulling down the mobile. Result - damaged screen. 
2. Have a 12 year old car, though reasonably maintained but still needs change of tyres. Out of some reason or the other, have not replaced them. This is a straight invitation to flat tyre & getting starnded. Probability is very high. Now it's a matter of chance only that how long it pulls on without getting stuck.
Ultimately it seems to be driving down to the point that it is the individuals carelessness which lands him/her in the trouble. Had I taken care to ensure placing the phone in a safe location for charging, could have saved the mobile from the damage. Something happened which was very much blaming others is only to console oneself. Probability of its falling was high at the location it was kept and it did happen.
Similarly getting a flat tyre when the tyres are worn out is simply inviting the trouble. A flat Tyre when they are  new is a by not changing them the Probability Game Starts.
It boils down to the fact that occurance of an incident is purely dependent on the efforts put in or lack of them.After putting in the full efforts it is the probability factor...often defined as LUCK. 

A perfect / consistent performance in any case comes out of hard work and practice. 

If you have left the margin for CHANCE in your efforts 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Either Implode or Explode

Body  generates energy as one breathes - the energy so generated needs to be channelised. If the generated energy is not channelised or used, it can interfere with the body systems both having a negative or a positive impact.

Situation is similar to little kids also termed as 'Little Devils'  when their bubbling energy is not utilised. They become a nuisance for people around them, as they start  interfering with the people around them often causing  irritation /trouble . But when this energy in kids ,even the youth is properly routed into some innovative and productive use, the results may be altogether  different.

On the same lines energy bubbles are generated in us as we breathe/live - Must have felt the excitement  of thoughts/ideas as they erupt in our minds often increasing the heart beat/pulse rate. This internal energy has to be directed for proper usage/release or else may cause some malfunctioning in the body systems say increased BP, some kind of hormonal or enzyme imbalance, a headache etc. etc.

 Meditation and breathing  exercises are good options to control such internal energies. Physical activity is also a good option. The best use is to put these energies for the use for which they got generated…the special abilities of that person need to exercise it an a way that positive vibes are created spreading happiness around him and thus help that person shine up…..a wrongful application of these energies shall  have negative impact on the surroundings.

Infact the world is a pool of ENERGY which can be used both ways like a double edged sword. Negative use result in crimes and inhuman acts 'Rakshas Praverti' - Devil Acts and on the other hand positive usage creates positive vibes and happiness all around…. Godly Acts or ' Devta Praverti'.

We have to basically make efforts to maximise positive usage of the available energy (internally or otherwise), avoiding any kind of implosion which affects an individual internally  or an explosion affecting the people around the individual

…Life purpose is to :  positively channelise  energies to spread happiness all around us  and thus  increasing the POSITIVE ENERGY BALANCE  in the TOTAL ENERGY POOL

Monday, December 24, 2012


Power When Unchecked………..

People with POWER start taking things for granted. When they realize that nobody is there to check them or question them, they start taking liberties and do things which legally or morally may not be correct.

It is the confidence of the Power Players that they can get away with anything which gives them the go ahead trigger

THE POWER could be:-
Money Power- Contractors & Businessmen going for shortcuts to success
Authority Power- Police, Bureaucrats, Politicians or Judiciary…those who control the various resources
Muscle Power- Bullies
Intellectual Power – Hacking or well planned crimes
If a realisation or fear is there that they won’t be spared for their wrongs or somebody is there watching them, probably then excesses wouldn’t occur or shall at least get restricted to the extent fear is inculcated among the people that they shall not be spared for the wrongs committed.

So what is required / desired?

THE CHECKS (the list need to be brain stormed for more practical/out of the box ideas for easy/effective implementation)

  • A mechanism that helps check on the Power Players - their negative mentality i.e, an effective and efficient law and order system which ensures immediate justice/appropriate action against the culprit.

  • Watch Groups and Monitoring Agencies- RTI & Similar agencies or action groups (India Against Corruption)

  • Vigilant, Responsible and Supportive Media which enables the above

  • Genuine Opposition - a ray of hope like Aam Aadmi Party

  • Social Media Activism

  • ·         


Friday, August 31, 2012

ZT-CFZ (Zero Tolerance Corruption Free Zones)

Corruption has really soaked deep down into our systems in India. It cannot be weeded out by wishful thinking or simply by targeting the corrupt. There is a need to take everybody along both - those in power and the commoners. A new wave need to be created on which the Corruption Free Indian Ship sails, powered by the commoners as well  as those in the power.

Since corruption has soaked deep down it cannot be wished off overnight. A start has to be made. Probably we start  on the same lines as we did by creating SEZs to promote unbridled growth  free from Red Tape  and other complexities.

May be we start by marking/identifying certain areas, in the country by those in power, in the corporate by those leading the industries, in our day to day lives by the commoners - that in these marked/identified  areas we shall not tolerate any kind of corruption. Later if this experiment picks up -- the area of influence of these ZT-CFZ could be further extended…for broader & wider compliance. Idea is not to go for witch hunting but follow a forward looking approach where we take everybody along towards A CORRUPTION FREE INDIA :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Boost your Ego

You are no less than a CEO OR MD.

Think, your Family as a corporate unit and yourself as it's Chief Executive Officer. Like a CEO of any company you 
are responsible for the success of your Family Empire. Your family members are the other players supporting you in your endeavor to establish and grow your family enterprise.
You may be handling the critical finance or administrative function. Similarly other junior or senior members shall contribute to the success of the family unit depending on their strengths or the roles assigned.

As a CEO you are required to assess the potential of your team members and align them to the opportunities available so as to ensure best output thereby leading your family unit progressively ahead.


Need for Friends

Any kind of company or friend is immaterial, if The Goals or Focus is clear.
(You shall be busy chasing your goals, irrespective of the support of the friends whether there or not)

But the need for company or friends is imminent when one is RUDDERLESS
(Probably friends are required to wile away the time when we do not have a cue to act)

Learning from THE KIDS

There is always a lot to learn from THE KIDS. 

They can easily do things which we adults find extremely difficult: Living in the ‘PRESENT’.

We adults tend to flow backward in past and forward in the future often ignoring the present, which is the reality. It’s a quiet a difficult task to concentrate on PRESENT- It’s a meditation kind of an effort, to stay put with the present & the Children do it effortlessly, that’s why they are able to enjoy the most :)
The child like anxiety/ eagerness to learn is another important trait which we need to pick up from the kids to catch on with new skills/knowledge
……I bought a new camera, which both my wife and the 6 year old son wanted to learn how to operate. The persuasion, the interest, the eagerness shown by the little kid helped him to pickup the tricks much faster, where as my wife even 2 years later is still  not sure about how the things work with the camera. It was fun teaching the kid due to the interest shown; whereas in case of my wife priorities were different in-spite of wish to learn about the camera’s working.

Monday, January 23, 2012


The only way out is to do it now – right away

When does Procrastination happen?

  • One does not have the resources to handle the work: then organise resources keeping in mind the cost of delay/loss of opportunity.
  • If one is not sure (i.e. due to lack of information/facts): Then seek information/guidance from peers, seniors or subordinates and act fast.
  • One has fear that he or she might handle the situation wrongly: take up the BULL BY ITS HORNS.

If one is sure about the situation. Action in such case is rarely delayed. Delay if there could be due to delegation without MONITORING/ Laziness/ or overconfidence. So ensure required monitoring is there or sufficient care is taken to eliminate laziness/overconfidence.

Uncertainty : Yes God Certainty : No God

         Greater the Uncertainty, Greater is the need for us to believe in GOD.
         Greater the Certainty, Lesser is the dependence on GOD.

A focused and more certain approach makes the things achievable and possible. Then how to increase the CERTANITY LEVELS :
§ More detailed knowledge about the project/assignment in hand.
§ More practice of the skills required to complete the given task.
§ Usage of right set of sharpened tools. So, need to identify the right set of tools first.

Point A to Point B - The Life Journey

                   A focused approach in life makes achievement of the life or the carrier goals much easier and feasible. Life becomes more purposeful if the 'life goals " are clearly defined. When we have a weekend party or weekend vacation in mind, we devote a lot of time and energy planning for it. Life is a long journey and directly affects us and the people around us. So we must devote or spare ample time in fixing the life goals and planning to achieve them.
                   A simple scientific logic which I got a chance to hear few years back in one of the lecture sessions beautifully explains how clearly defined goals & a dedicated approach helps in leading a purposeful life.
                   If an object  placed at Point A  is  to be moved to Point B (say destination/Goal), then we need to apply the effort or energies in the direction A →B, so that it directly moves to Point B without any wastage of effort and in minimum possible time (depending on the quantum of the force applied. If the force is applied in any other direction then the object will end up at some unwanted location C or D which may not be in line of B - the desired Goal. Then more force and more time shall be required to align the object towards B and positioning it there.
                   Similarly we need to have clear Life or carrier goals so that all our energies are rightly focused in it's attainment without any loss of time and energy. The life pressures tend to deflect us from making it to our goals, but if we stay aligned to our goals and keep striving towards them step by step things becomes possible, feasible and achievable.

So  do devote time and fix your Life Goals. Then simply go all out for achieving them.
….but wherever possible TRY and SPREAD HAPPINESS by making the things  SIMPLER,  EASIER and ENJOYABLE for all those around you, while pursuing Your Personal Life Goals   :)