Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Either Implode or Explode

Body  generates energy as one breathes - the energy so generated needs to be channelised. If the generated energy is not channelised or used, it can interfere with the body systems both having a negative or a positive impact.

Situation is similar to little kids also termed as 'Little Devils'  when their bubbling energy is not utilised. They become a nuisance for people around them, as they start  interfering with the people around them often causing  irritation /trouble . But when this energy in kids ,even the youth is properly routed into some innovative and productive use, the results may be altogether  different.

On the same lines energy bubbles are generated in us as we breathe/live - Must have felt the excitement  of thoughts/ideas as they erupt in our minds often increasing the heart beat/pulse rate. This internal energy has to be directed for proper usage/release or else may cause some malfunctioning in the body systems say increased BP, some kind of hormonal or enzyme imbalance, a headache etc. etc.

 Meditation and breathing  exercises are good options to control such internal energies. Physical activity is also a good option. The best use is to put these energies for the use for which they got generated…the special abilities of that person need to exercise it an a way that positive vibes are created spreading happiness around him and thus help that person shine up…..a wrongful application of these energies shall  have negative impact on the surroundings.

Infact the world is a pool of ENERGY which can be used both ways like a double edged sword. Negative use result in crimes and inhuman acts 'Rakshas Praverti' - Devil Acts and on the other hand positive usage creates positive vibes and happiness all around…. Godly Acts or ' Devta Praverti'.

We have to basically make efforts to maximise positive usage of the available energy (internally or otherwise), avoiding any kind of implosion which affects an individual internally  or an explosion affecting the people around the individual

…Life purpose is to :  positively channelise  energies to spread happiness all around us  and thus  increasing the POSITIVE ENERGY BALANCE  in the TOTAL ENERGY POOL

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