Friday, October 2, 2020

“Help other to be successful to be successful yourself”


Saturday, April 4, 2020

#After 21 Days

....continued from the last post dated 25th March ,2020

In these 21 days of lockdown forced world wide - earth has initiated the self recovery system. The human life somewhere has crossed it's limits forcing earth to create as situation putting  the  major commercial/human activities on hold which have interfered with her systems.

Consider the news during the lockdown :

The ozone layer has repaired

Rivers are cleaner

Air is less poluted

Clearer skyline…increasing visibility…Dauladhar range can be again seen from from the rooftps in Jalandhar

Most of the above changes shows earth's recovery in action which had got disturbed…mainly due to pollution caused by human activities.

So after 21days…our activities need to be in sync with that of the mother earth of which we are a part.Have to restart after the lockdown with those activities which are nature friendly  and do not cause pollution of the rivers,  which probably form the circulatory system of the Earth Being & the atmosphere which probably forms  it's  nervous system. So to comply with the current dictat of the Mother Erath/Earth Being, we might have to go back to the  simple ways of living

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

This probably answers - Why do CATASTROPHES occur ?

Earth as a living being - Comparing Human Life with Celestial (Earth) Life - certain parallels :

Humans breath air and shall die the moment breathing stops.Earth too shall die the moment it stops rotating.Humans drink water.Earth has rains & uses cloud as shades.Humans Eat/Sleep to recharge themselves. Sun is the energy source for Earth,charging it every 12 hours
Humans have blood forming circulatory system.Earth has the surrounding air envelpoe as it’s circulatory system. It is said that the Universe is expanding, if so then probably all the life also follow the same pattern of expansion- Microbes, Ants, Humans....Planets....Universe... There are probably different levels of lives, and one of them is the Celestial life. The configuration of life at our level and the celestial levels is on different platforms, but somehow connected in a well coordinated and synchronised manner. Like in humans we have cells organs, blood etc. Earth on a parallel front has the various living things like animals , plants microbial life,  as Earth organels with surrounding air envelope working as it’s circulatory system. May be Earth is a living being too, but on a different platform-having a family called Solar system. Similarly, there are other Celestial beings  and similar families/solar systems.
 May be universe is a huge life form in itself. So big that, celestial bodies are like it’s cell organells  we have in human bodies and the vacuum in the universe is the equitant of the blood system in humans, which lives on by energy transfer. Like a small dysfunction at cellular level affects the human body as a whole, similarly a small dysfunction at earth level causes dysfunction at the level of the universe life form, as everything is connected in the energy web link. Even a small change when added up, has some impact somewhere. What needs to be learnt is the NATURE OF THIS ENERGY WEB LINK. STUDY OF NAKSHATRAS PACHANG SEEMS TO BE AN EFFORT IN THIS DIRECTION Earth may be is a different or a higher life form so it must have higher or different version of eating, breathing activities for its survival. If ants eat grains etc. and human eat fruits and then, if the Earth is also being a living thing - what does it eat? Probably it eats thoughts, which are grown in human mind. May be Earth survives on thoughts/vibes  (thought is said to be an energy form).That is what humans  in fact endlessly create till their life ends. Human harvesting is done by the Earth being/Higher  powers, which probably survives on thoughts. Like humans eat good cherries, the planet earth eats thought cherries with human peals. A ripe sweet cherry is plopped in by humans, similarly the earth being consumes the aged human thought berries which have ripened over counted breath cycles. Human colonies in different locations provide different thought flavours which are picked up when ripe. Human colonies may be are harvested in different locations in different environments creating a different thought flavours like humans grow various varieties of cherries/wines etc.
 A thought triggered while picking peanuts from a box infested with Ants : As  we save our valuable food stock in various jars protecting it from ant colonies, the earth being also stores its valuable  coal diamond  gold and oil deposit in different locations protecting it from Human colonies. It stocks its valuables like oil in deserts and icy lands where human colonies find it difficult to reach.Trying to correlate with another similar example: Ants appear on the terrace garden , causing holes in the floor affecting the  beauty /strength of the floor. There is a clash of interest between the human and the ants i.e. the higher beings and the other life. What humans or the higher beings do to protect their interest is wash the ants with a water bucket (a kind of flood for them) or spray some insecticide. Both, in a way are catastrophes for the ants resulting from interference with the higher energies.In fact what is a catastrophe for one level might be a corrective action for the higher life form. So the humans suffer the earthquakes/ floods/ epidemics when they become pest for higher beings - THE EARTH BEING  or interfere with the world of bacteria's - the smaller beings. An another way of considering this is,  that there are smaller living things then bigger and bigger and bigger.  Each oblivious of each other but coexisting without interfering. But when an interference is there, intentional or unintentional, an imbalance occurs resulting in the corrective action viz. diseases or catastrophes.For example take ants &  humans coexist. But when ant become pest or come in their way, the ants are flushed/sprayed/mashed, all catastrophes. This probably answers - Why do CATASTROPHES occur ?
Normally when one plays or interferes with the Higher Energy Form, then the higher energy form has it’s
own ways to check and balance the same.

 (May see the linked blog "Earth Being" uploaded in January 2015 on this blogsite itself)