Saturday, April 4, 2020

#After 21 Days

....continued from the last post dated 25th March ,2020

In these 21 days of lockdown forced world wide - earth has initiated the self recovery system. The human life somewhere has crossed it's limits forcing earth to create as situation putting  the  major commercial/human activities on hold which have interfered with her systems.

Consider the news during the lockdown :

The ozone layer has repaired

Rivers are cleaner

Air is less poluted

Clearer skyline…increasing visibility…Dauladhar range can be again seen from from the rooftps in Jalandhar

Most of the above changes shows earth's recovery in action which had got disturbed…mainly due to pollution caused by human activities.

So after 21days…our activities need to be in sync with that of the mother earth of which we are a part.Have to restart after the lockdown with those activities which are nature friendly  and do not cause pollution of the rivers,  which probably form the circulatory system of the Earth Being & the atmosphere which probably forms  it's  nervous system. So to comply with the current dictat of the Mother Erath/Earth Being, we might have to go back to the  simple ways of living

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