Monday, January 26, 2015

Some Parallels between the Living Beings and the Planet Earth

Living Beings

  Planet Earth
Breathing is  required to stay alive...we shall die the moment we stop breathing....and living things do die

Rotation is required to stay alive...the moment it stops the planet shall collapse. Probably  orbiting around its axis and sun helps keeping the Earth elements bound together...then like all living things Planet earth shall have a life span too.
Like we have circulatory system

It has water cycle/system....various rivers forming a kind of blood vessels....a kind of circulatory system. Similarly the land mass can be the equivalent of the bones/skeletal system and so on
Like our body is made of different kind of cells/tissues etc

The different type of living beings are a kind of cells/tissues for Earth
The out put created by humans can be mainly defined as positive or negative energies (resulting out of their various actions/attitudes)

The earth elements  produce and maintain  a energy bank too. Energy is something which connects all living beings especially the humans with the earth and the universe of which earth is a part

If the above is true..then probably the theory of expanding universe is very much possible......Every thing in this world is replicating into a bigger form. The smaller entity in itself is a miniaturised version of the bigger self.....if Human body is treated as a Universe then a small body cell can be said to be equivalent of what a human being is to planet earth and planet earth is to the universe....If we try to realise or think over this..its a beautiful occurrence. If a small injury in toe or malfunctioning of body cell happens in some corner of the human body, the impact is felt by the body as whole. So  a little imbalance in energy even at the level of one human being can impact the planet earths energy pattern and thus the universe .

Taking this thought process a little further....the Hindu scriptures seem to be pointing out to something very meaningful. As per Hindu scriptures there are about 84 lakh life forms.....each dealing with certain level of energy which add up to total of the Planet  Earths Energy Level. When ever a life form is able to attain energy levels over and above  certain minima ..that energy /life form is able to move on to the higher energy level/life form, which  may be beyond the planet Earth.... connecting further beyond with the Universe....this is what the Hindu scriptures have termed as MOKSHA or breaking the barrier of energies... thus escaping  the cyclical of interplay in between the 84 lakh life forms, if retained within the Planet Earths Energy level/Pattern.

These Thoughts are Simply Mind Blowing

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