Sunday, March 3, 2019


Often have seen sentiments floating in the social media that Indian Goods should be promoted vis a vis the Foreign Goods. Purpose - the profits should remain within India and does not flow out of India through the MNCs and other foreign companies which earn in India but take away the profits to their home countries.
Being a supporter of open market India cannot ban or put restrictions on such companies. The possible way out to promote Indian products in support of the rhetoric "Be Indian Buy Indian" the way out is to sensationalise and the inform the customer at the retail outlet level.To implement this the retail outlets may be advised to organise the display of the products under TWO CATEGORIES viz sale of which results in PROFIT WITHIN INDIA-SWADESHI and PROFITS EXPATRIATED FROM INDIA. Choice is left out to the discretion of the Customer King, who takes an informed call whether to buy the products where the profits are retained within India or simply go for quality or brand preference. The customer may be motivated by providing him props like CAP, BADGE etc, that further encourages "SWADESHI" sentiment

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